While drivers in Louisiana are fully aware of the dangers that can arise from a distracted driver, there are other issues that are being researched when it comes to a car crash that results from this behavior such as the increasing number of ways in which drivers can be distracted. On another subject, teen drivers are also a frequent concern on the roadways because of their inexperience and lack of judgment that accompanies that inexperience. If the two are combined, the roadways and the inherent hazards can be significantly worse.
Recent research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety shows that there is a certain time of year when people on the road are in the most jeopardy due to teen drivers. AAA calls the time from Memorial Day to Labor Day – the traditional summer months – the “100 Deadliest Days.” The reason for this is that there are more teens on the road than during the rest of the year. With that, the number of fatalities from car accidents with a teen involved rises to an average of ten each day. This is an increase of 16 percent from the other months of the year.
In combination with the University of Iowa, AAA utilized dashboard cameras and documented over 2,200 accidents for the last eight years. The crashes ranged from moderate to severe. A representative from AAA stated that these teens are using their cellphones more often and removing their eyes from the road. The study also says that 60 percent of the accidents involving teens are a result of a distracted driver with cellphones as the biggest issue. After cellphone use, 15 percent of distractions are passengers in the vehicle. Next, 12 percent are due to speaking on the phone or texting and driving.
When examined in total, the number of ways in which teen drivers can be distracted is growing and, with the great number of teens who take to the road in the summer, it creates a very dangerous circumstance for themselves and others. Those who were involved in an auto accident need to be cognizant of this issue and the possibility that a distracted driver was the cause of the auto accident. A full investigation must be conducted with help from a legal professional experienced in pursuing a legal filing after a car accident.
Source: CBS News, “Top distraction for teen drivers in crashes may surprise you,” June 1, 2016