Wrongful Death

If you’ve been through the devastating experience of losing a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, the last thing you probably want to think about is a costly, time-consuming lawsuit. Unfortunately, legal action is often necessary to regain the financial resources you’ve lost through your loved one’s absence.  

The attorneys of Veron Bice, LLC have years of experience handling wrongful death cases. We know how sensitive these cases can be, and our number one priority in these cases, every time, is honoring our clients’ wishes and getting them what they need to be made whole. 

If you’re going through this now, Contact Us to set up a free consultation. We’ll listen to the details of your case and offer our expert opinion on how we can help, free of charge. Call us today – we’d like to help if we can. 

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Lake Charles, Louisiana


We Win Cases They Now Teach in Law Schools

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