Home 9 Car Accidents 9 Service member killed in Louisiana hit and run

Service member killed in Louisiana hit and run

When there is a car crash in Louisiana, it is made worse when it is a hit and run. People who are in an auto accident are obligated by law to stop, but they are also expected to stop because it is a decent thing to do to make certain the others in the accident are safe. With a hit and run accident, the investigation is imperative to accrue evidence to try and find out who was responsible and to seek compensation. The car accident victim who suffered an injury or the family left behind in a fatal crash need to make sure to protect themselves in the aftermath.

Those who are serving the United States in the military are contributing in a variety of different ways. When a service member is injured and killed on the home front in an accident, it compounds the tragedy. A 25-year-old recruiter for the Army was killed in a hit and run accident. The woman, a sergeant, was returning home from a night out when she and her friend pulled their vehicle to the side of the road. She had exited the vehicle to look for an item that another friend in a different vehicle had lost. It was then that she was hit by a light colored truck. The truck fled the scene.

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