Home 9 Personal Injury 9 John Barry chosen as Louisiana’s Krewe de Vieux king

John Barry chosen as Louisiana’s Krewe de Vieux king

John Barry, a well-known Louisiana author and influential supporter of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Authority-East’s lawsuit against almost 100 oil and gas companies, has been chosen as king of the Krewe de Vieux. The parade is known for its “politically incorrect floats” and will move its way through the New Orleans French Quarter starting at 6 p.m. on Feb. 15.

Barry, who was the SLFPA-E’s vice president until Governor Bobby Jindal did not reappoint him last year, said he believes that “political satire [is] the perfect vehicle for commentary on the lawsuit.”

Barry will be honored at a Queen Consort luncheon, but the event will also have a greater purpose. The $60 tickets are meant to raise funds for Restore Louisiana Now, a nonprofit started by Barry in hopes of preserving “Louisiana’s land, water and livelihood.” As we’ve said earlier, Restore Louisiana Now will also lobby legislators for support against Governor Jindal’s promise to get the SLFPA-E’s lawsuit shut down in the legislature.

The lawsuit seeks to hold the oil and gas association responsible for the damage and injury to the state’s wetlands. That damage is due – in no small part – to canal and pipeline construction as well as dredging operations. Garret Graves, Governor Jindal’s coastal advisor, recently received the go-ahead from the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority to bring a lawsuit that would stop the SLFPA-E’s complaint. There has not been any word yet on when that lawsuit might be filed.

Environmental problems such as the destruction of the wetlands must not be left to fix themselves. Sometimes, court action is needed to protect the land and waterways. An experienced environmental attorney can provide invaluable advice about how to proceed with such a case.

Source: nola.com, “Mardi Gras activities and more planned in the New Orleans French Quarter” Jon Kemp, Jan. 30, 2014

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