Imagine driving along the roads of Lake Charles and noticing a lot more people out than usual. It seems odd until you realize it’s Tax Day and everyone is trying to get to the post office to mail in their taxes. Unfortunately, despite your careful attention to safe driving, you are hit by another driver and injured. As a car accident victim, however, you do have rights.
Sadly, this scenario happens all too often on Tax Day. A new study indicates that this day is actually much more deadly than any other day in April for Louisiana drivers and motorists across the country. The Huffington Post reports that the study has looked at data over the past 30 years and found that there have been 13 more deaths on average on Tax Day than any other day in April.
Anyone who is injured in a Tax Day collision can work with a Louisiana lawyer to file a motor vehicle accident lawsuit against the driver who was focusing more on his or her taxes than on the road. Motorists should not be driving carelessly or negligently and doing so opens them up to liability when they cause accidents.
Over that past 30 years there have been 6,783 traffic fatalities on Tax Day. This comes to an average of 226 deaths each year. One reason for the increase in fatal motor vehicle accidents is that many drivers are on new or relatively unfamiliar routes as they attempt to get their tax returns mailed in and filed.
Again, Louisiana drivers should not have to fear that a certain day of the month is more likely to end in a fatal accident than any other, but if it does, there are attorneys who can help a car accident victim seek compensation from the driver at fault.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Deadly Car Crashes Spike By 6 Percent On Tax Day: Study,” Lindsey Tanner, April 10, 2012