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Personal Injury

How Personal Injury Settlements Are Paid Out

How Personal Injury Settlements Are Paid Out

After suffering injuries in an accident caused by someone else, you and your attorney successfully negotiated a settlement with the defendant’s insurance company. Now, you are eagerly awaiting the check. While you are understandably relieved to have the claim settled...

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

You suffered injuries in an accident caused by someone else in Louisiana, and you want to obtain compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and other economic losses, as well as your pain and suffering. While you have every right to pursue compensation for...

Why Your Medical History Before Your Accident Is So Critical

Why Your Medical History Before Your Accident Is So Critical

If you are familiar with the term “pre-existing condition,” you are probably aware that it is a phrase that health insurance companies use to deny people coverage. Pre-existing conditions have a role to play in personal injury cases as well. However, while insurance...

What Paperwork Do I Need from My Doctor?

What Paperwork Do I Need from My Doctor?

Being injured in an accident can turn your life upside down overnight. Without warning, you suddenly have to deal with intense pain, hospital and specialist visits, time off work, and perhaps even a long-lasting disability. In addition to all of this, dealing with...

What Is Loss of Consortium Worth?

What Is Loss of Consortium Worth?

When your spouse suffers serious injury or death as a result of an accident, especially if it was someone else’s fault, it can seem like your whole world has stopped. This can take a significant emotional toll as you are left to deal with the pain of the loss. This...

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