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At Veron Bice, we believe that you can know a good lawyer by what others say about their work. We’re proud to not only have accolades from our clients, but also from the very judges that we try our cases in front of.

When a trial judgment includes the loser paying the winner’s attorney fees, judges are required to assess how good of a job we did and whether we deserve to be paid. Here are a few things that judges have written about us in making that decision:

“The work of Class Counsel has been exemplary.  They have met the hurdles and challenges posed by the State during the entire pendency of this case.”

“Simply stated, the skill of Class Counsel and the quality of the services provided by these attorneys is probably best demonstrated by the results achieved.  Thus, this factor supports a substantial fee award.”

“Plaintiffs’ counsels’ presentation of the case reflect the tremendous effort, skill, and knowledge required of them; the character of the work and the attorneys themselves are also reflected therein…the evidence to establish Plaintiffs’ claim was extensive requiring much investigation, diligence and skill of counsel; this matter was factually and legally intensive; and the court’s own knowledge of the law was supplemented by counsel throughout the trial.”

We’re proud to have our professionalism and commitment to elite-level legal work recognized by clients and judges alike. Ask Anyone Who Knows Us!

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Lake Charles, Louisiana


We Win Cases They Now Teach in Law Schools

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