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Month: October 2011

Is Mediation Legally Binding?

Is Mediation Legally Binding?

Mediation is only legally binding if you and the opposing party agree to a settlement and file the signed contract with the court. A legal agreement isn’t enforceable unless it is in writing and signed by all parties involved. Mediation is a method of resolving...

What Should You Not Say or Do During Mediation?

What Should You Not Say or Do During Mediation?

Mediation is one of the best methods of resolving a dispute. It's common in personal injury lawsuits. Opposing parties can meet with a mediator to negotiate a settlement, and they often do because a successful mediation means you can avoid proceeding to trial. You and...

What Happens After Deposition in a Personal Injury Case?

What Happens After Deposition in a Personal Injury Case?

A deposition can be an intimidating and scary process. You can breathe and sigh of relief when you finally give yours and put this stage of the lawsuit behind you. However, the work isn't finished just because you and the defendant provided depositions. You should...

How You Know if Your Deposition Went Well

How You Know if Your Deposition Went Well

When you file a personal injury lawsuit, you must complete various tasks and go through multiple stages. An essential part of a lawsuit is the discovery phase. Opposing parties request information from each other to learn the facts the other party will rely on in the...

What Happens at a Deposition?

What Happens at a Deposition?

In most personal injury cases, the injured party and their lawyer come to a settlement agreement with the at-fault party and their insurance company, thus bringing the case to an end. However, sometimes negotiations do not end with an arrangement that all sides find...

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