Home 9 Products Liability 9 Single-cup coffee maker recalled after 37 people suffer burns

Single-cup coffee maker recalled after 37 people suffer burns

Across Louisiana, coffee is an extremely important part of people’s mornings. Whether it is a rushed cup of coffee on the way to work or a mug while leisurely reading the Sunday paper, there are many people in Lake Charles who drink coffee. The people of Lake Charles will need to be careful while they enjoy their next cup of coffee, however, after a popular single-cup coffee maker has been recalled for causing second-degree burns on 37 people.

A defective product can be extremely dangerous, especially when the product is widely used. The manufacturer of the coffee maker has recently issued a recall of 1.7 million coffee makers after it started receiving complaints that the machine would spray hot tea, coffee, and coffee grounds and tea leaves at operators. The small plastic disc that holds the individual coffee or tea capsules in place has been bursting while it brewed, reports the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

One of the most frightening injuries was that of a 10-year-old girl. She had been at home with her grandmother when the coffee maker started to make a peculiar sound. As the young girl went to investigate, the machine sprayed her with super-heated coffee grounds along her neck and face. The burns were so severe that physicians had to graft synthetic skin over the affected areas. The girl was also not allowed outside or in school for several months for risk of infection.

While the 10-year-old’s family is not looking for compensation from the manufacturer of the dangerous coffee maker, anyone who is injured by this machine can file a products liability lawsuit with the help of an attorney. The lawsuit would hold the manufacturer responsible for the injuries, pain and suffering, and the financial costs associated with the injuries. There is no reason that a coffee maker should explode and burn innocent bystanders.

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