According to preliminary car accident statistics for the year 2010, the roads and highways of Louisiana are the safest in two decades. The number of fatal traffic accidents is at its lowest since the state’s Safety Commission started keeping track of data in 1992. In 2007, the state of Louisiana saw its highest amount of deaths that resulted from car accidents with 993. Over the last three years the number of annual traffic deaths has decreased by more than 300 to 687. The preliminary statistics come from Louisiana State University’s Highway Safety Research Group.
Preliminary statistics from municipalities across the state also reflect the downward trend in fatalities caused by traffic accidents. In Baton Rouge fatal traffic accidents have also decreased every year since 2007. Three years ago 62 people were killed because of car accidents and in 2010, 40 people died as a result of traffic accidents. The superintendent for the Louisiana State Police, Col. Mike Edmonson, believes that the use of proactive patrols in areas that previously had high crash rates is partly responsible for the decrease in fatalities.
The superintendent believes the focus on United States Interstate 10 and Interstate 12 around Baton Rouge reduced fatal accidents in the area. Before the focused use of state patrolmen in the area, the superintendent believed the area was not as safe as it could be because there were not enough troopers to effectively patrol the highways. Over the last few years there has also been an increased enforcement of drinking and driving laws. Finally, coordination between state and local law enforcement was also a part of the recipe that has lead to lower car accident fatalities.
Source:, “Report: Traffic Fatalities Drop,” Katie Kennedy, 1/18/11